This event is the last round of the Mainland Rally Series. Please remember the Mainland Rally Series has been opened up for North Islanders now and all competitors are welcome.
*UPDATE* MoMac Live Streaming https://www.facebook.com/MoMacSocial/
There will be professional Live Streaming of our event conducted by MoMac these guys really know what they are doing, their filming and commentary is amazing. Your sponsors will get great exposure as the hits and the following MoMac get are massive.

Live Results on ChrisSport.co.nz

*NEW* Online Spectator Info https://autosport.org.nz/rally/canterbury-rally-2020

Lone Star Canterbury Rally announces new Power stage sponsored by The Good Sports at Stadium Cars. Stage one of the Lone Star Canterbury Rally will be sponsored by Stadium Cars. This Power Stage will be for Classes A 0 – 1300cc and B 1301 – 1600cc only. The winner of this stage by each of those classes will be awarded $250. This serves to promote newer/younger competitors to the sport.
Canterbury Rally will begin on Saturday 24th October with a ceremonial start and competition will begin on Sunday 25th October. The rally will be run in Ashley Forests and North Canterbury public roads. The Service Parks
will be in the Amberley area, at Cheviot and Waikari.
The rally comprises of approximately 124 kms of special stages and 240kms of touring. Special Stages are on very good forestry and public gravel roads.
First Car Starts: From Joe’s Garage, Alfred Street, Rangiora at approximately 8.30am on Sunday 25th October 2020.
First Car Finishes: At approx 6.00pm on Sunday 25th October 2020 at the final control, The Lone Star, 26 Manchester Street, Christchurch.
Vehicles will be divided into the following classes:
- Class A 2WD 0 – 1300cc
- Class B 2WD 1301 – 1600cc
- Class C 2WD 1601cc and over
- Class D 4WD
- Class E Pre – 1996 Classic 4WD
- Class F 0 – 1700cc Classics
- Class G 1701 cc and over Classics
- Class H Subaru H6